Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Really weird dreams

I have pretty odd dreams when I take naps.  And I had a really weird one this morning after I fell back asleep after taking care of Cadence. 

I was back in high school, but it wasn't really high school because I was the same age as I am now.  It was time for gym class.  We were in the locker room and I realized that I had worn some penny loafers without any socks!  I had brought my tennis shoes but no socks.  Then I remembered there was a sock vending machine in the front of Wal-mart (which happened to be a part of our school).  So I quickly tried to drive over there before class started but half-way there realized I didn't have time, so I just turned back and went to gym class sockless.


  1. :-) Crazy dreams!

  2. That totally happens to me too! It almost feels like I didn't get a good nap in because the dreaming is so vivid.
