Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sad Story of the Day

So last night I planted some flowers.  ALL BY MYSELF!  I usually leave the dirty work to Derek, but I was really excited about these impatiens we got for 40% off at D&B.  So once it got cooler, I set to work and when I was finished thought, "I know, I'll water them with some fertilizer.  AND I'll water the tree Derek planted in the back yard!"

Watering the flowers went fine.  Watering the tree in the back didn't.  I forgot that we've been soaking our new sod 4 times a day and that the dirt around the tree (and the side of the yard) didn't have any wood chips yet, so it had turned into mud.  Thick, deep mud.  And I was wearing flip flops. 

About half-way out, I abandoned the flops and went barefoot.  That was also a bad idea because then I just sunk in even farther.  And I was wearing pants.  So I folded them up.  Then on the way back I stepped in a particularly wet, muddy area and sunk in up to my ankles.  No, make that above my ankles.  So much for folding my pants up.

 Can you see the foot prints in the mud?

Once I got to the back door, I realized I had a big problem.  Since it was 10pm, Derek was asleep.  There was nobody at the door to meet me with some paper towels to clean up.  So left my flip flops--which were now at least three times their weight with all the mud clumped to them--on the back porch, slid open the door, and crawled inside keeping my feet as high in the air as I could.  Thank goodness it was night time so the neighbors weren't out to see me crawling in my house!

 Poor, muddy flip flops!  Hope they come clean!

I crawled across the dining and living room floor, through our bedroom, into the bathroom, and hoisted a leg over the side of the tub.  Have you ever tried to get into the tub from your hands and knees without your feet touching the floor?  I dare you to try it.  It's not easy.  It took 20 minutes rinsing to get all the mud off my feet, and then another five to clear out the tub!


And an even sadder story, I've decided to go on a sugar fast again...  Not all sugar, just any sugar my mom wouldn't let me eat regularly for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  So Frosted Mini-Wheats are in, Lucky Charms and cinnamon rolls are out.  I've done this before and was mildly successful and felt much, much healthier. 

And besides, I'm tired of wearing the larger-than-I-want clothing sizes that I am.  A sugar fast can't hurt, right?

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Rachel!!!! Your yard is looking great! We are going to have to come over and see all your hard work! The sod is fabulous! I love how it transforms a dusty dirt pile into green lusciousness overnight! Way to go on the flowers!! I will try to divide out some of our Iris and Hollyhocks and Dillydallies this fall and get some to you! Sister Hurst is also awesome at propagating plants from cuttings. So you could take a cutting from your Dad's lilac bush and put it in some water and vermiculite and get a free bush or two that way.

    I love the imagery of you crawling into your house with muddy feet! :-) What a woman!!! Good luck on everything and have a great 4th!

    Your husband was a life saver today (Paul even thanked Heavenly Father for him coming over today in his evening prayers - We really appreciated his timing. Thanks so much for everything!)
