Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Two Great Things

Two great things happened yesterday.

First: Cadence got another tooth!  It's so cute and small.  It makes her first tooth look big.  And the cuteness of those two teeth almost make it okay that she's growing up.  Derek and I are really enjoying the stage that she's in right now and almost don't want her to keep growing.  Almost.  Because we know that the next stage is going to be pretty good too.

Second: When I ran outside to greet Derek after getting home from his early morning job (It's a morning ritual.  I hear the front door, garage door, or Derek's LOUD truck and I come a runnin'!!), he says in a sweet voice, "I got something for you!"

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's a rake!" he exclaimed as he held up the ugly orange thing.  "Just kidding," he reassured me when he saw my confused/disappointed look.  "It's a ceiling fan!  I needed to go to to the Home Depot to check out some material for the bathroom job and I thought I'd get the ceiling fan that you wanted before they quit selling this style.  And I heard it's going to be a hot week."

I cheered!  I love ceiling fans!  And I love my husband who was thinking about me and my need for a ceiling fan in our kitchen during this hot week!  And he even installed it the same day!  How's that for service!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how sweet!!! The rake, the fan and the fact that you run out to greet him in the mornings! :-) It was great seeing you yesterday! The kids are loving the movies! Thanks for thinking of us too! Hope the 1 nap worked for Cadence!
